President Shavkat Mirziyoyev and Prime Minister Viktor Orban have signed a Joint Declaration on Strategic Partnership between the Republic of Uzbekistan and Hungary.

More than 10 documents were signed during the visit. They are aimed at further developing multifaceted partnership.

The signed documents include the Intergovernmental Agreement on Regional Cooperation, the Program of Cooperation between the Foreign Ministries for 2021-2023, the Memorandum of Understanding between the Institute for Strategic and Regional Studies and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade of Hungary, the Agreement on Cooperation in Labor Relations, Memorandums of Understanding on training in the nuclear industry, on cooperation in innovation, the Program of Cooperation in Culture, the Roadmap for the development of cooperation in agriculture, food products and livestock, the Framework Agreement on Cooperation in Water Management.

In the presence of the leaders of state, the heads of the ministries of the two countries exchanged signed documents.

Within the framework of the official visit, an agreement was signed on the implementation of educational programs of the University of Debrecen in Uzbekistan.

At a briefing for media representatives, President Shavkat Mirziyoyev noted that in recent years, relations with Hungary have been dynamically developing and have risen to a qualitatively new level.

“The talks were held in an open and constructive spirit. We discussed practically all areas of Uzbekistan – Hungarian relations. The main attention was paid primarily to economic cooperation issues. Over the past four years, the trade turnover has almost tripled. In the future, we intend to increase it several times”, said Shavkat Mirziyoyev.

It was emphasized that for this, the heads of the two states agreed to expand the supply of products to the markets of the two countries, strengthen industrial cooperation, implement specific projects in pharmaceuticals, agriculture, livestock, fish farming, potato farming and other areas.

The fruitful results of the first meeting of the bilateral Business Council, at which many agreements and treaties were signed, were noted.

The decision was made to hold the Forum of Regions annually with the active involvement of all regions of the two countries.

Prime Minister Viktor Orban noted that thanks to the efforts of the President of Uzbekistan, relations between the two countries are developing dynamically.

“We started with a low level of mutual trade. Thanks to smart policy and decisiveness, an increase in trade is achieved. The initiatives of President Mirziyoyev open up new areas of cooperation. Several flagship projects have been jointly implemented, so businesspeople of the two countries are more and more confident and strive for an active partnership”, said Viktor Orban.

The distinguished guest also thanked Uzbekistan people for the assistance provided to Hungary last year in the difficult conditions of the coronavirus pandemic.

Once again, the similarity of views and approaches of the two countries on international and regional issues was confirmed. The Hungarian side expressed support for Uzbekistan’s plans to join the World Trade Organization.

Special attention was paid to the development of cultural and humanitarian cooperation, including enhancing ties in education. An agreement was also reached to intensify contacts in science, culture and sports.

The Uzbek scientist Iskhak Ibrahim was a friend and student of the famous Hungarian orientalist Arminius Vámbéry, who lived and studied science in Budapest for almost thirty years. He translated into Uzbek “The Legend of the Wondrous Hunt” by the famous Hungarian poet János Arany. This work was recently published in Tashkent with a foreword by the President of Uzbekistan.

President Shavkat Mirziyoyev presented Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban a copy of this book as a sign of friendship between Uzbekistan and Hungary peoples.


Uzbekistan and Hungary are strategic partners

President Shavkat Mirziyoyev and Prime Minister Viktor Orban have signed a Joint Declaration on Strategic Partnership between the Republic of Uzbekistan and Hungary.

More than 10 documents were signed during the visit. They are aimed at further developing multifaceted partnership.

The signed documents include the Intergovernmental Agreement on Regional Cooperation, the Program of Cooperation between the Foreign Ministries for 2021-2023, the Memorandum of Understanding between the Institute for Strategic and Regional Studies and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade of Hungary, the Agreement on Cooperation in Labor Relations, Memorandums of Understanding on training in the nuclear industry, on cooperation in innovation, the Program of Cooperation in Culture, the Roadmap for the development of cooperation in agriculture, food products and livestock, the Framework Agreement on Cooperation in Water Management.

In the presence of the leaders of state, the heads of the ministries of the two countries exchanged signed documents.

Within the framework of the official visit, an agreement was signed on the implementation of educational programs of the University of Debrecen in Uzbekistan.

At a briefing for media representatives, President Shavkat Mirziyoyev noted that in recent years, relations with Hungary have been dynamically developing and have risen to a qualitatively new level.

“The talks were held in an open and constructive spirit. We discussed practically all areas of Uzbekistan – Hungarian relations. The main attention was paid primarily to economic cooperation issues. Over the past four years, the trade turnover has almost tripled. In the future, we intend to increase it several times”, said Shavkat Mirziyoyev.

It was emphasized that for this, the heads of the two states agreed to expand the supply of products to the markets of the two countries, strengthen industrial cooperation, implement specific projects in pharmaceuticals, agriculture, livestock, fish farming, potato farming and other areas.

The fruitful results of the first meeting of the bilateral Business Council, at which many agreements and treaties were signed, were noted.

The decision was made to hold the Forum of Regions annually with the active involvement of all regions of the two countries.

Prime Minister Viktor Orban noted that thanks to the efforts of the President of Uzbekistan, relations between the two countries are developing dynamically.

“We started with a low level of mutual trade. Thanks to smart policy and decisiveness, an increase in trade is achieved. The initiatives of President Mirziyoyev open up new areas of cooperation. Several flagship projects have been jointly implemented, so businesspeople of the two countries are more and more confident and strive for an active partnership”, said Viktor Orban.

The distinguished guest also thanked Uzbekistan people for the assistance provided to Hungary last year in the difficult conditions of the coronavirus pandemic.

Once again, the similarity of views and approaches of the two countries on international and regional issues was confirmed. The Hungarian side expressed support for Uzbekistan’s plans to join the World Trade Organization.

Special attention was paid to the development of cultural and humanitarian cooperation, including enhancing ties in education. An agreement was also reached to intensify contacts in science, culture and sports.

The Uzbek scientist Iskhak Ibrahim was a friend and student of the famous Hungarian orientalist Arminius Vámbéry, who lived and studied science in Budapest for almost thirty years. He translated into Uzbek “The Legend of the Wondrous Hunt” by the famous Hungarian poet János Arany. This work was recently published in Tashkent with a foreword by the President of Uzbekistan.

President Shavkat Mirziyoyev presented Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban a copy of this book as a sign of friendship between Uzbekistan and Hungary peoples.