At an event held in Tashkent city khokimiyat, dedicated to presentation of “Tashkent 2025: Transformation” project, prospects for further improving the appearance of the capital were discussed in detail.

At an event held in Tashkent city khokimiyat, dedicated to presentation of “Tashkent 2025: Transformation” project, prospects for further improving the appearance of the capital were discussed in detail.

Acting khokim of Tashkent city J.Artikhodjayev, chairman of the public council at the city khokimiyat H.Abdurakhmonov and others noted that today’s fast-paced time puts new demands on urban planning.

In October 2018, “Tashkent 2025: Transformation” project was founded by the Public Council at Tashkent city khokimiyat, which will be implemented by the Urban Studies Center Public Fund. The main goal of the project is to increase the welfare of the population, to develop large-scale strategies for ensuring competitiveness of the urban economy and its sustainable development.

The project envisages that by 2025 Tashkent will turn into an ultra-modern, attractive for investments and tourism, embodying a rich historical and cultural heritage, convenient for the population, a leading city in all senses. The project covers such areas as administrative reforms, economic development strategy of the city, housing and communal services, social sphere and inclusive progress, ecology. The project consists of such steps as formation of a primary team, collection of initial data, identification of deficiencies and development of a roadmap, beginning the development of strategies by areas, monitoring the implementation of planned tasks, and presentation of results. In determining the objectives of the project work will be carried out based on the opinion of the population, scientists, experts, financial institutions, studying the experience of major cities of the world.

Tashkent presents 2025 transformation project

At an event held in Tashkent city khokimiyat, dedicated to presentation of “Tashkent 2025: Transformation” project, prospects for further improving the appearance of the capital were discussed in detail.

At an event held in Tashkent city khokimiyat, dedicated to presentation of “Tashkent 2025: Transformation” project, prospects for further improving the appearance of the capital were discussed in detail.

Acting khokim of Tashkent city J.Artikhodjayev, chairman of the public council at the city khokimiyat H.Abdurakhmonov and others noted that today’s fast-paced time puts new demands on urban planning.

In October 2018, “Tashkent 2025: Transformation” project was founded by the Public Council at Tashkent city khokimiyat, which will be implemented by the Urban Studies Center Public Fund. The main goal of the project is to increase the welfare of the population, to develop large-scale strategies for ensuring competitiveness of the urban economy and its sustainable development.

The project envisages that by 2025 Tashkent will turn into an ultra-modern, attractive for investments and tourism, embodying a rich historical and cultural heritage, convenient for the population, a leading city in all senses. The project covers such areas as administrative reforms, economic development strategy of the city, housing and communal services, social sphere and inclusive progress, ecology. The project consists of such steps as formation of a primary team, collection of initial data, identification of deficiencies and development of a roadmap, beginning the development of strategies by areas, monitoring the implementation of planned tasks, and presentation of results. In determining the objectives of the project work will be carried out based on the opinion of the population, scientists, experts, financial institutions, studying the experience of major cities of the world.