Today, without economic stability, it is impossible to achieve results in the direction of poverty reduction and social protection. All necessary measures are being taken to develop the country’s economy, create new jobs, and ensure decent wages.
These factors, to which the President of Uzbekistan pays special attention, certainly increase social protection’s effectiveness. In this sense, poverty reduction and the creation of a perfect system of strong social protection have become the main direction of the social policy of the New Uzbekistan.
All reforms and measures must be carried out based on the principles of “In the name of human honor and dignity”, “It is not the people who must serve the government bodies, but rather the government bodies that must serve the people”, “The state for the person”, “Man – society – state”. In recent years, a new system has been developed in this direction. In particular, for these purposes, the “Iron Register”, “Women’s Register”, “Youth Register”, the principles of “mahallabay” and “khonadonbay” have been introduced. In this way, the problems of women, youth, and those in need of social assistance, in general, are studied, and measures are taken to resolve them promptly and effectively.
In his speech at a videoconference, the Head of state emphasized that during the creation of a new social protection system this year, 102 types of social services were transferred to the mahalla level.
For example, previously, people had to go through numerous commissions and clinics to receive a prosthesis, spending two months on this. This issue will now be resolved in two weeks at the mahalla level.
A service for caring for children with disabilities was introduced, and applications are accepted at the mahalla level. This allowed 700 parents to return to work. Four thousand lonely older people who cannot move were identified, and home care was organized. Of course, all these measures implemented in the country aim to ensure the social protection of the population, expand the range, and improve the quality of social services.
The poverty level has decreased from 17 to 11 percent. In the next three years, it is planned to reduce the poverty level from 11 to 7 percent. The main goal is to work with families and bring them out of poverty based on targeted specific plans.
To do this, it is necessary to unite social and employment services efforts. The Head of state proposed new initiatives to strengthen the social protection system. It was emphasized that to bring 1 million 200 thousand people out of poverty next year, it is necessary to resolve issues related to pre-school, club and vocational education, medicine, and improving living conditions.
In short, the new initiatives announced by the President to strengthen the social protection system serve as the legal basis for reforms aimed at ensuring social justice and well-being in our country.
Khalilla Yeshimbetov,
Chairman of the Karakalpak Republican Council of the People’s Democratic Party of Uzbekistan,
Head of the PDPU Faction in the Jokargy Kenes of the Republic of Karakalpakstan.