President Shavkat Mirziyoyev has held a meeting with hokims and heads of sectors of Tashkent city districts, chairmen of mahallas and youth of Yunusabad district.

The system of work in mahallas is being introduced in all districts of Tashkent. For this, a special working group studied the level of development, existing problems and opportunities of 63 mahallas of Yunusabad district.

Information about this was presented at the meeting by the Deputy Prime Ministers – the Minister of Investments and Foreign Trade and the Minister of Economic Development and Poverty Reduction.

A comprehensive development program for Yunusabad district for 2021-2022 has been developed. 141 large and medium investment projects worth 14.4 trillion UZS have been formed for the development of industry and services. They provide for the development of direct foreign investments for $936 million, employment of about 8 thousand people.

The Employment Promotion Fund will allocate 1 billion UZS of subsidies to attract the unemployed to entrepreneurship, which will employ 260 residents of the district.

More than 600 unemployed will be trained in the directions of labor authorities.

Measures for the development of infrastructure were also identified. 75 kilometers of heating networks and 108 kilometers of power lines, 101 transformers will be repaired this year. Major repairs will be carried out on 86 streets.

At the meeting, chairmen of mahallas made proposals to eliminate problems and improve conditions at places, and create new enterprises. The President gave relevant instructions to responsible persons.


Proposals for the development of Yunusabad district considered

President Shavkat Mirziyoyev has held a meeting with hokims and heads of sectors of Tashkent city districts, chairmen of mahallas and youth of Yunusabad district.

The system of work in mahallas is being introduced in all districts of Tashkent. For this, a special working group studied the level of development, existing problems and opportunities of 63 mahallas of Yunusabad district.

Information about this was presented at the meeting by the Deputy Prime Ministers – the Minister of Investments and Foreign Trade and the Minister of Economic Development and Poverty Reduction.

A comprehensive development program for Yunusabad district for 2021-2022 has been developed. 141 large and medium investment projects worth 14.4 trillion UZS have been formed for the development of industry and services. They provide for the development of direct foreign investments for $936 million, employment of about 8 thousand people.

The Employment Promotion Fund will allocate 1 billion UZS of subsidies to attract the unemployed to entrepreneurship, which will employ 260 residents of the district.

More than 600 unemployed will be trained in the directions of labor authorities.

Measures for the development of infrastructure were also identified. 75 kilometers of heating networks and 108 kilometers of power lines, 101 transformers will be repaired this year. Major repairs will be carried out on 86 streets.

At the meeting, chairmen of mahallas made proposals to eliminate problems and improve conditions at places, and create new enterprises. The President gave relevant instructions to responsible persons.