By the decrees of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan, many of our compatriots were awarded honorary titles, orders and medals on the occasion of the 30th anniversary of the country’s independence.

On August 30, the ceremony of presenting these awards took place at Kuksaroy Residence.

President Shavkat Mirziyoyev cordially congratulated the participants on Independence Day and expressed his deep respect to them.

“At such historical moments, each nation sums up the results of its development. Over the past 30 years, our country has gone through a colossal path of formation and development as an independent state, we have taken our rightful place in the world community. Today, our aspirations in all spheres and industries, the attention paid to each mahalla, village and family give their results, people feel it in their lives”, the Head of the state said.

Indeed, large-scale changes are taking place. The concept of “New Uzbekistan” is becoming a reality. Uzbekistan is recognized by the international community as one of the few countries achieving economic growth in the context of a pandemic. Such major programs as “Obod Qishloq” (Prosperous Village), “Obod Mahalla” (Prosperous Neighborhood), “Five Important Initiatives”, “Every Family – Entrepreneur”, “Youth – Our Future” radically change the social situation in our society.

The President noted that over the years of independence, a new, modern-thinking generation has grown up, building the future of the country.

“People born in the first year of our independence will celebrate their 30th anniversary this year – the prime of their lives. From the first days, we put youth issues at the forefront. If we do not pay due attention to the upbringing of our youth in the current conditions of a rapidly changing world, if we do not give them modern knowledge, if we do not support them, then in many ways we will stay behind. Today, our energetic youth, studying and working at places, joining the ranks of modern specialists, is a great power for our state”, Shavkat Mirziyoyev said.

As is known, the last two years have been a difficult period for humanity. Hard trials have not spared our people either. The coronavirus crisis has gripped the entire world and is having a negative impact on the global economy. Fierce competition reigns on the world market, trade wars are going on, clashes and confrontations are intensifying in neighboring regions.

“In today’s difficult situation, the development of our economy is on the agenda along with protecting the health of our people. To this end, we are looking for new ways to support industries, farmers and entrepreneurs to ensure food security. In such a difficult situation, thanks to the firm will of our people, the selfless work of people like you, our compatriots, we courageously overcome any difficulties”, the President said.

The Head of the state congratulated those who were awarded the title “O’zbekiston Qahramoni”, heroes of Uzbekistan – the leading farmer and breeder Muhammad Akhmedov, mathematician, academician Shavkat Ayupov, outstanding literary critic, translator and publicist Ibrokhim Gafurov, People’s Artist Munojot Yulchiyeva.

The merits of selfless medical workers, who daily, every minute, protect the health of people, were noted. Valiant military, devotedly serving to protect the peaceful and tranquil life of the country. Entrepreneurs, farmers, engineers and workers who make a great contribution to the development of Motherland.

Workers of science, education, culture, literature and art, and athletes are achieving great success. Uzbekistan youth is becoming real support for people.

The Head of the state congratulated them on their high awards and expressed his best wishes.

These days, many of our compatriots are awarded a commemorative badge on the occasion of the 30th anniversary of the independence of the Republic of Uzbekistan. On behalf of our people, the President congratulated those who were honored with this award.

A solemn presentation of awards took place.

This year’s awards have an important feature. A group of people who have made a huge contribution to the development of culture and art, literature and journalism in the country was posthumously awarded by the Decree of the President. At the ceremony, these orders and medals were presented to their family members.

“I congratulate all of you on these badges of honorary titles, orders and medals shining on your chest, which suit you very much”, Shavkat Mirziyoyev said. – I know well and am proud of all of you. We still have a lot to do to make our steps fruitful and effective. The well-being of the family, the health of loved ones, peace and tranquility in the country are in themselves great happiness. I wish all these benefits to accompany you. May peace and festive mood reign in every family!

The awardees thanked the Head of the state for the high attention.

Heads of state and public organizations, labor veterans, representatives of the intelligentsia and youth attended the ceremony.


President: We courageously overcome any difficulties thanks to the strong will, selfless work of people like you

By the decrees of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan, many of our compatriots were awarded honorary titles, orders and medals on the occasion of the 30th anniversary of the country’s independence.

On August 30, the ceremony of presenting these awards took place at Kuksaroy Residence.

President Shavkat Mirziyoyev cordially congratulated the participants on Independence Day and expressed his deep respect to them.

“At such historical moments, each nation sums up the results of its development. Over the past 30 years, our country has gone through a colossal path of formation and development as an independent state, we have taken our rightful place in the world community. Today, our aspirations in all spheres and industries, the attention paid to each mahalla, village and family give their results, people feel it in their lives”, the Head of the state said.

Indeed, large-scale changes are taking place. The concept of “New Uzbekistan” is becoming a reality. Uzbekistan is recognized by the international community as one of the few countries achieving economic growth in the context of a pandemic. Such major programs as “Obod Qishloq” (Prosperous Village), “Obod Mahalla” (Prosperous Neighborhood), “Five Important Initiatives”, “Every Family – Entrepreneur”, “Youth – Our Future” radically change the social situation in our society.

The President noted that over the years of independence, a new, modern-thinking generation has grown up, building the future of the country.

“People born in the first year of our independence will celebrate their 30th anniversary this year – the prime of their lives. From the first days, we put youth issues at the forefront. If we do not pay due attention to the upbringing of our youth in the current conditions of a rapidly changing world, if we do not give them modern knowledge, if we do not support them, then in many ways we will stay behind. Today, our energetic youth, studying and working at places, joining the ranks of modern specialists, is a great power for our state”, Shavkat Mirziyoyev said.

As is known, the last two years have been a difficult period for humanity. Hard trials have not spared our people either. The coronavirus crisis has gripped the entire world and is having a negative impact on the global economy. Fierce competition reigns on the world market, trade wars are going on, clashes and confrontations are intensifying in neighboring regions.

“In today’s difficult situation, the development of our economy is on the agenda along with protecting the health of our people. To this end, we are looking for new ways to support industries, farmers and entrepreneurs to ensure food security. In such a difficult situation, thanks to the firm will of our people, the selfless work of people like you, our compatriots, we courageously overcome any difficulties”, the President said.

The Head of the state congratulated those who were awarded the title “O’zbekiston Qahramoni”, heroes of Uzbekistan – the leading farmer and breeder Muhammad Akhmedov, mathematician, academician Shavkat Ayupov, outstanding literary critic, translator and publicist Ibrokhim Gafurov, People’s Artist Munojot Yulchiyeva.

The merits of selfless medical workers, who daily, every minute, protect the health of people, were noted. Valiant military, devotedly serving to protect the peaceful and tranquil life of the country. Entrepreneurs, farmers, engineers and workers who make a great contribution to the development of Motherland.

Workers of science, education, culture, literature and art, and athletes are achieving great success. Uzbekistan youth is becoming real support for people.

The Head of the state congratulated them on their high awards and expressed his best wishes.

These days, many of our compatriots are awarded a commemorative badge on the occasion of the 30th anniversary of the independence of the Republic of Uzbekistan. On behalf of our people, the President congratulated those who were honored with this award.

A solemn presentation of awards took place.

This year’s awards have an important feature. A group of people who have made a huge contribution to the development of culture and art, literature and journalism in the country was posthumously awarded by the Decree of the President. At the ceremony, these orders and medals were presented to their family members.

“I congratulate all of you on these badges of honorary titles, orders and medals shining on your chest, which suit you very much”, Shavkat Mirziyoyev said. – I know well and am proud of all of you. We still have a lot to do to make our steps fruitful and effective. The well-being of the family, the health of loved ones, peace and tranquility in the country are in themselves great happiness. I wish all these benefits to accompany you. May peace and festive mood reign in every family!

The awardees thanked the Head of the state for the high attention.

Heads of state and public organizations, labor veterans, representatives of the intelligentsia and youth attended the ceremony.