Uzbekistan celebrates Ramadan Hayit in peace and tranquility.

The kindness and spiritual generosity, the desire to help families in need, to visit and support the sick, are inherent in our people.

On May 14, President Shavkat Mirziyoyev visited the Republican Specialized Scientific Practical Medical Center of Hematology.

The center specializes in the provision of hematological and transfusion care, the prevention and treatment of oncohematological diseases, and research in this area.

Methods of high-dose and intensive polychemotherapy have been introduced into the practice of the center. With the introduction of new developments in the treatment of acute lymphoblastic leukemia, remission and complete recovery of patients reaches 70-85 percent.

On 10 February 2020, the President signed a resolution aimed at developing hematological and transfusion services, supporting people with oncohematological and difficult-to-treat diseases. According to the resolution, more than 546 billion UZS and almost $71 million are planned to be allocated for the development of hematology in 2020-2024. More than 91 billion UZS have been allocated this year.

At the expense of these funds, hospitals are provided with medicines and reagents. Work is underway to strengthen the material and technical base of the hematological service, improve the system for early detection and treatment of diseases.

The President got acquainted with the conditions of the center. It has three buildings with 260 beds. Currently, 210 patients are being treated here, including 42 children.

The Head of the state instructed to build a new building for the center, create a center for pediatric oncohematology using the experience of the Russian Dmitry Rogachev National Research Center. The new center will carry out operations on allogeneic transplantation – blood stem cell transplantation.

The President spoke with children undergoing treatment at the center and their mothers.

“We have adopted resolutions to improve hematological care. But this is not enough. I came here today to create even more conditions for you, so that the patients get back on their feet as quickly as possible, to strengthen the guarantees of treatment. You are all my children. Your smile should bring happiness to your parents. Live with the belief that you will definitely be cured. We will try to do everything necessary for this”, Shavkat Mirziyoyev said.

The Head of the state congratulated the children and their mothers on the Ramadan Hayit.

“Do not despair, you are not alone. We will support you. We will build a new center to improve the capabilities of the sphere. It will provide conditions for mothers and the education of children, and treatment will also change. Most of all I want you to recover as soon as possible and return home to your family”, the President said.

Shavkat Mirziyoyev thanked the doctors of the center for their selfless work and caring attitude towards children.


President visits children at the Hematology Center

Uzbekistan celebrates Ramadan Hayit in peace and tranquility.

The kindness and spiritual generosity, the desire to help families in need, to visit and support the sick, are inherent in our people.

On May 14, President Shavkat Mirziyoyev visited the Republican Specialized Scientific Practical Medical Center of Hematology.

The center specializes in the provision of hematological and transfusion care, the prevention and treatment of oncohematological diseases, and research in this area.

Methods of high-dose and intensive polychemotherapy have been introduced into the practice of the center. With the introduction of new developments in the treatment of acute lymphoblastic leukemia, remission and complete recovery of patients reaches 70-85 percent.

On 10 February 2020, the President signed a resolution aimed at developing hematological and transfusion services, supporting people with oncohematological and difficult-to-treat diseases. According to the resolution, more than 546 billion UZS and almost $71 million are planned to be allocated for the development of hematology in 2020-2024. More than 91 billion UZS have been allocated this year.

At the expense of these funds, hospitals are provided with medicines and reagents. Work is underway to strengthen the material and technical base of the hematological service, improve the system for early detection and treatment of diseases.

The President got acquainted with the conditions of the center. It has three buildings with 260 beds. Currently, 210 patients are being treated here, including 42 children.

The Head of the state instructed to build a new building for the center, create a center for pediatric oncohematology using the experience of the Russian Dmitry Rogachev National Research Center. The new center will carry out operations on allogeneic transplantation – blood stem cell transplantation.

The President spoke with children undergoing treatment at the center and their mothers.

“We have adopted resolutions to improve hematological care. But this is not enough. I came here today to create even more conditions for you, so that the patients get back on their feet as quickly as possible, to strengthen the guarantees of treatment. You are all my children. Your smile should bring happiness to your parents. Live with the belief that you will definitely be cured. We will try to do everything necessary for this”, Shavkat Mirziyoyev said.

The Head of the state congratulated the children and their mothers on the Ramadan Hayit.

“Do not despair, you are not alone. We will support you. We will build a new center to improve the capabilities of the sphere. It will provide conditions for mothers and the education of children, and treatment will also change. Most of all I want you to recover as soon as possible and return home to your family”, the President said.

Shavkat Mirziyoyev thanked the doctors of the center for their selfless work and caring attitude towards children.