This year, for the first time, a national ranking of universities was created, the educational and scientific-research process was considered based on international experience.

This year, for the first time, a national ranking of universities was created, the educational and scientific-research process was considered based on international experience. The analysis revealed a number of problems and shortcomings.

Thus, quotas for admission to higher education institutions cover only 7–9 percent of graduates of secondary schools, academic lyceums and professional colleges. In Russia, the figure is 74, in South Korea – 96 percent.

At the meeting on the issues of further developing higher education it was noted that higher education institutions and their professors do not enjoy prestige and authority in the international scientific community. The fact that the work on attraction of internationally recognized and highly qualified scientists and teachers to the educational process has not been organized at the proper level, was criticized.

Disregard opinions of professors and teachers in appointment of rectors and vice-rectors does not ensure the high efficiency of activity of the newly appointed heads with the team.

There are no necessary conditions for development of science, integration of research into production, improvement of scientific activity effectiveness, as well as for the research of talented students.

Activities on introducing innovative methods into the educational process, ensuring linkage of curricula with production, and most importantly, improving the qualifications of teachers, are not satisfactory.

The order of studying, certification, accreditation of universities’ activities, nostrification of documents absolutely does not meet today’s requirements.

– It is regrettable that in conditions of accelerated development of the economy, the system of higher education, instead of being a “locomotive” of development, does not keep up with the times. The bitter truth is that we do not have a system that responds to structural changes in the labor market, which is capable of teaching youth and developing their entrepreneurial skills, – said the President of Uzbekistan.

In this regard, urgent tasks were identified at the meeting and relevant instructions were given.

President defines immediate tasks

This year, for the first time, a national ranking of universities was created, the educational and scientific-research process was considered based on international experience.

This year, for the first time, a national ranking of universities was created, the educational and scientific-research process was considered based on international experience. The analysis revealed a number of problems and shortcomings.

Thus, quotas for admission to higher education institutions cover only 7–9 percent of graduates of secondary schools, academic lyceums and professional colleges. In Russia, the figure is 74, in South Korea – 96 percent.

At the meeting on the issues of further developing higher education it was noted that higher education institutions and their professors do not enjoy prestige and authority in the international scientific community. The fact that the work on attraction of internationally recognized and highly qualified scientists and teachers to the educational process has not been organized at the proper level, was criticized.

Disregard opinions of professors and teachers in appointment of rectors and vice-rectors does not ensure the high efficiency of activity of the newly appointed heads with the team.

There are no necessary conditions for development of science, integration of research into production, improvement of scientific activity effectiveness, as well as for the research of talented students.

Activities on introducing innovative methods into the educational process, ensuring linkage of curricula with production, and most importantly, improving the qualifications of teachers, are not satisfactory.

The order of studying, certification, accreditation of universities’ activities, nostrification of documents absolutely does not meet today’s requirements.

– It is regrettable that in conditions of accelerated development of the economy, the system of higher education, instead of being a “locomotive” of development, does not keep up with the times. The bitter truth is that we do not have a system that responds to structural changes in the labor market, which is capable of teaching youth and developing their entrepreneurial skills, – said the President of Uzbekistan.

In this regard, urgent tasks were identified at the meeting and relevant instructions were given.