Experts from CIS Member States discussed the Draft Joint Statement of the Heads of State of the Commonwealth on Cooperation in international information security, via videoconference.

Within the framework of presidency of the Republic of Uzbekistan in the Commonwealth of Independent States on July 15, 2020, experts from CIS Member States discussed the Draft Joint Statement of the Heads of State of the Commonwealth on Cooperation in international information security, via videoconference.

The event was attended by representatives of Foreign Ministries of Armenia, Belarus, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Moldova (as an observer), Russia, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan and Uzbekistan.

The document under discussion is intended to draw attention of the international community to the inadmissibility of using modern information-communication technologies for purposes incompatible with the tasks of maintaining international peace, security and stability.

According to Uzbekistan MFA, participants discussed the parties’ proposals and suggestions to the draft document and agreed on main provisions of the text.

It was decided to continue discussing the Draft Joint Statement on 21 August 2020, via videoconference.

After final approval, the document is planned to be adopted during the meeting of the Council of CIS Heads of State in October 2020, in Tashkent.

On the results of the Expert Group Meeting to discuss joint statement in international information security

Experts from CIS Member States discussed the Draft Joint Statement of the Heads of State of the Commonwealth on Cooperation in international information security, via videoconference.

Within the framework of presidency of the Republic of Uzbekistan in the Commonwealth of Independent States on July 15, 2020, experts from CIS Member States discussed the Draft Joint Statement of the Heads of State of the Commonwealth on Cooperation in international information security, via videoconference.

The event was attended by representatives of Foreign Ministries of Armenia, Belarus, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Moldova (as an observer), Russia, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan and Uzbekistan.

The document under discussion is intended to draw attention of the international community to the inadmissibility of using modern information-communication technologies for purposes incompatible with the tasks of maintaining international peace, security and stability.

According to Uzbekistan MFA, participants discussed the parties’ proposals and suggestions to the draft document and agreed on main provisions of the text.

It was decided to continue discussing the Draft Joint Statement on 21 August 2020, via videoconference.

After final approval, the document is planned to be adopted during the meeting of the Council of CIS Heads of State in October 2020, in Tashkent.