As part of the ICTWEEK UZBEKISTAN 2024, a Cooperation Agreement was signed between NBU and IBM, which opened a new stage in developing and implementing digital technologies in the country’s banking system.
As part of the Agreement, IBM plans to unite the existing best practices in constructing and implementing Artificial Intelligence technologies with the expertise of the NBU.
It is planned to hold a series of joint workshops to analyze business tasks and services, the effectiveness of which is improved through the introduction of AI and machine learning technologies, as well as to implement a pilot project to assess the possibilities and effectiveness of using modern technologies to improve the quality of banking services.

In accordance with the Agreement, it is planned to implement a joint pilot solution (Minimal Viable Product (MVP), the purpose of which is to confirm the technological and qualitative possibilities of using AI and machine learning technologies.
Uzbekistan’s banking system is moving to the next stage of development, which creates the basis for changing this area in accordance with national economic and technological needs.
The introduction of advanced technologies into the banking system radically changes it, undoubtedly improving the quality and increasing the range of services, bringing it to a higher level.