President Shavkat Mirziyoyev got acquainted with the new exposition of the Museum of Glory.

The museum has more than 12.5 thousand exhibits and their number is expected to grow. Historical facts and events are presented here using modern technologies, interactive methods. On the instructions of the President of Uzbekistan, given during the last visit, the exposition of the museum was significantly expanded. Special sections dedicated to ministries and agencies within the Armed Forces have been organized.

“This place should become a true people’s museum. It is necessary to contact the descendants of those people who participated in the war or sheltered orphans, to reflect the feat of our ancestors. Many sources have yet to be explored. We need active help from every village, mahalla, educational institution and the public to collect and disseminate information. This is important for understanding the whole horror of war, for learning lessons from history. In this sense, the museum should serve as a foundation, a bridge between the past and the present”, Shavkat Mirziyoyev said.

An instruction was given to create an electronic database and publish books about the participants of the Second World War.


Museum of Glory – a bridge between the past and the present

President Shavkat Mirziyoyev got acquainted with the new exposition of the Museum of Glory.

The museum has more than 12.5 thousand exhibits and their number is expected to grow. Historical facts and events are presented here using modern technologies, interactive methods. On the instructions of the President of Uzbekistan, given during the last visit, the exposition of the museum was significantly expanded. Special sections dedicated to ministries and agencies within the Armed Forces have been organized.

“This place should become a true people’s museum. It is necessary to contact the descendants of those people who participated in the war or sheltered orphans, to reflect the feat of our ancestors. Many sources have yet to be explored. We need active help from every village, mahalla, educational institution and the public to collect and disseminate information. This is important for understanding the whole horror of war, for learning lessons from history. In this sense, the museum should serve as a foundation, a bridge between the past and the present”, Shavkat Mirziyoyev said.

An instruction was given to create an electronic database and publish books about the participants of the Second World War.