Khosiyat Rustamova is a famous Uzbek poet who has won the love of her fans with her charming poetry.

Her work has been widely recognized not only in Uzbekistan, but also in several foreign countries and has been awarded numerous international awards.

Khosiyat Rustamova, a member of the Writers’ Union of Uzbekistan and Azerbaijan, was awarded the “Diaspor Fəaliyyətində Xidmətə Görə” medal (For services to diaspora activities) of the Republic of Azerbaijan.

This award is given to individuals who have made a significant contribution to the activities of the Azerbaijani Diaspora, the dissemination of objective information about Azerbaijan in the international arena, the promotion of the Azerbaijani language and culture abroad, as well as the development of bilateral and multilateral relations with Azerbaijan.

“Khosiyat Rustamova is one of the cultural representatives who stands out for her extensive activities to promote Azerbaijani culture, bring the truths of Karabakh to the Turkic world, and strengthen literary and cultural ties between the peoples. Khosiyat Rustamova, through the “Kitob Dunyosi” newspaper (Book World), which she directs, has made an invaluable contribution to further developing literary ties between our fraternal peoples. This publication has also become a platform for popularizing talented Azerbaijani writers and cultural figures”, writes.

“The books of the poetess “44 Days” and “The girl’s name was Lola” deserve special attention”, said Salim Babullo oglu, Secretary of the Writers’ Union of Azerbaijan.

Nazokat Usmanova, UzA

Khosiyat Rustamova was awarded the State Award of Azerbaijan

Khosiyat Rustamova is a famous Uzbek poet who has won the love of her fans with her charming poetry.

Her work has been widely recognized not only in Uzbekistan, but also in several foreign countries and has been awarded numerous international awards.

Khosiyat Rustamova, a member of the Writers’ Union of Uzbekistan and Azerbaijan, was awarded the “Diaspor Fəaliyyətində Xidmətə Görə” medal (For services to diaspora activities) of the Republic of Azerbaijan.

This award is given to individuals who have made a significant contribution to the activities of the Azerbaijani Diaspora, the dissemination of objective information about Azerbaijan in the international arena, the promotion of the Azerbaijani language and culture abroad, as well as the development of bilateral and multilateral relations with Azerbaijan.

“Khosiyat Rustamova is one of the cultural representatives who stands out for her extensive activities to promote Azerbaijani culture, bring the truths of Karabakh to the Turkic world, and strengthen literary and cultural ties between the peoples. Khosiyat Rustamova, through the “Kitob Dunyosi” newspaper (Book World), which she directs, has made an invaluable contribution to further developing literary ties between our fraternal peoples. This publication has also become a platform for popularizing talented Azerbaijani writers and cultural figures”, writes.

“The books of the poetess “44 Days” and “The girl’s name was Lola” deserve special attention”, said Salim Babullo oglu, Secretary of the Writers’ Union of Azerbaijan.

Nazokat Usmanova, UzA