Almaty hosted a solemn event timed to the 32nd anniversary of the adoption of the Constitution and the approval of the National Anthem of the Republic of Uzbekistan. The event was organized by the Consulate General of Uzbekistan in Kazakhstan and the World Association of Youth of Uzbekistan (WAYU).

The event brought together youth leaders, students from Uzbekistan studying in Kazakhstan, young migrant workers, and other compatriots living in this country.

Diplomats, young leaders, and the leadership of the World Association of Youth of Uzbekistan, who joined the videoconference, welcomed the participants.

The program included discussions on the importance of the Constitution and the anthem in the lives of Uzbekistan citizens. It was emphasized that the Constitution is the basis of the country’s legal system, defining the essence and content of other laws. The participants also noted that knowing and singing the national anthem is important as a sign of respect for their native country and its traditions.

The event ended with a concert program that gave the participants a festive mood.

Aziza Alimova, UzA

Kazakhstan celebrates the 32nd anniversary of the Constitution and the National Anthem of the Republic of Uzbekistan

Almaty hosted a solemn event timed to the 32nd anniversary of the adoption of the Constitution and the approval of the National Anthem of the Republic of Uzbekistan. The event was organized by the Consulate General of Uzbekistan in Kazakhstan and the World Association of Youth of Uzbekistan (WAYU).

The event brought together youth leaders, students from Uzbekistan studying in Kazakhstan, young migrant workers, and other compatriots living in this country.

Diplomats, young leaders, and the leadership of the World Association of Youth of Uzbekistan, who joined the videoconference, welcomed the participants.

The program included discussions on the importance of the Constitution and the anthem in the lives of Uzbekistan citizens. It was emphasized that the Constitution is the basis of the country’s legal system, defining the essence and content of other laws. The participants also noted that knowing and singing the national anthem is important as a sign of respect for their native country and its traditions.

The event ended with a concert program that gave the participants a festive mood.

Aziza Alimova, UzA