The rational use of water is a pressing necessity of our time.
Modern technologies, installations, and water resource management systems are being increasingly utilized.
According to the Uzeltechsanoat Association, Uzbekistan imported pumps worth $250 million last year. This indicates that the growing level of consumption continues to drive demand.
A working group, including officials from government agencies, has been established to localize production and collaborate with leading foreign companies. Discussions were held with representatives of the Danish company Grundfos regarding the joint production of pumps.

Deputy Minister of Economy and Finance of Uzbekistan Ahadbek Khaydarov, Deputy Minister of Water Resources Zokir Ishpulatov, Chairman of Uzeltechsanoat Mirziyod Yunusov, Chairman of Uzsuvtaminot Ahmad Suvonqulov, Grundfos Chief Executive Officer Hamed Heyhat, Regional Director Michael Nielsen, and Head of Grundfos Uzbekistan Farrukh Salohiddinov discussed the application of water resource management technologies in Uzbekistan, state support for the pump production project, and expected outcomes.
A. Rustamov, UzA