The first meeting of the Coordination and Consultative Council has been held at the Institute for Strategic and Regional Studies under the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan.

The newly established Council is called upon to provide practical assistance to ISRS in the ongoing work on information and analytical support of the process of implementing domestic and foreign policies, ensuring security, stable and sustainable development of the country. The main mission of the Council is to establish effective coordination and interaction of research institutes, information, and analytical structures and educational institutions of the country.

The meeting was attended by leaders, leading scientists, experts, and specialists from more than 40 ministries and agencies involved in the implementation of the state policy in priority areas.

ISRS Director Eldor Aripov drew attention to the acute demand for high-quality scientific research in the light of the execution of the tasks outlined by the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan in the Address to the Oliy Majlis.

Deputy directors and leading experts of the Institute provided information about the achieved results of work, carried out a critical analysis of the results of activities and the existing difficulties in fulfilling the assigned tasks in information and analytical support of the country’s foreign and domestic policy.

It was emphasized that the Coordination and Consultative Council under the ISRS should become a working platform for interaction between analytical centers, ministries, agencies, NGOs, educational and scientific institutions, designed to provide expert support for the implementation of the reform program of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan.

The Council is also called upon to assist ISRS in generating innovative ideas, developing proposals for the use of know-how in various fields of the state and social construction.

The participants discussed issues of organizing joint formats and methods of work, current topics of promising scientific and applied research, as well as approved the Work Plan of the Coordination and Consultative Council for 2021.


ISRS hosts the Coordination and Consultative Council Meeting

The first meeting of the Coordination and Consultative Council has been held at the Institute for Strategic and Regional Studies under the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan.

The newly established Council is called upon to provide practical assistance to ISRS in the ongoing work on information and analytical support of the process of implementing domestic and foreign policies, ensuring security, stable and sustainable development of the country. The main mission of the Council is to establish effective coordination and interaction of research institutes, information, and analytical structures and educational institutions of the country.

The meeting was attended by leaders, leading scientists, experts, and specialists from more than 40 ministries and agencies involved in the implementation of the state policy in priority areas.

ISRS Director Eldor Aripov drew attention to the acute demand for high-quality scientific research in the light of the execution of the tasks outlined by the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan in the Address to the Oliy Majlis.

Deputy directors and leading experts of the Institute provided information about the achieved results of work, carried out a critical analysis of the results of activities and the existing difficulties in fulfilling the assigned tasks in information and analytical support of the country’s foreign and domestic policy.

It was emphasized that the Coordination and Consultative Council under the ISRS should become a working platform for interaction between analytical centers, ministries, agencies, NGOs, educational and scientific institutions, designed to provide expert support for the implementation of the reform program of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan.

The Council is also called upon to assist ISRS in generating innovative ideas, developing proposals for the use of know-how in various fields of the state and social construction.

The participants discussed issues of organizing joint formats and methods of work, current topics of promising scientific and applied research, as well as approved the Work Plan of the Coordination and Consultative Council for 2021.