On June 16 this year, the Institute for Strategic and Regional Studies under the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan, the Center for Strategic Studies under the President of the Republic of Tajikistan organized an online conference on “Uzbekistan – Tajikistan: Prospects for Mutually Beneficial Cooperation”.

At the event, leading researchers, scientists and experts of the two countries considered the results of the official visit of President Shavkat Mirziyoyev to the Republic of Tajikistan on June 10-11, 2021.

First Deputy Director of the Institute for Strategic and Regional Studies under the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan Akramjon Nematov emphasized that since 2017, Uzbekistan – Tajikistan relations have been characterized by a high level of trust, mutual respect and the absence of any insurmountable contradictions.

The established regular confidential dialogue at the level of heads of state, their firm political will and joint efforts have brought relations between Tashkent and Dushanbe to a qualitatively new level, give a powerful impetus to their comprehensive development and expansion.

According to Mr. Akramjon Nematov, the Presidents of the two countries have held 9 bilateral meetings since 2017. In 2018, mutual state visits were organized for the first time. They have opened a new page in the history of bilateral relations.

The ISRS expert noted that the successfully developing Uzbekistan – Tajikistan relations contribute to the formation in Central Asia of a new political atmosphere of mutually beneficial cooperation, act as an important factor in ensuring security, stability and sustainable development of the region.

The high efficiency of the visit, according to the expert, is evidenced by a solid package of signed bilateral documents – 35 interstate, intergovernmental and interdepartmental agreements, memorandums, programs and roadmaps in politics, trade, energy, transport, culture, science, education and security.

The legal framework of Uzbekistan – Tajikistan cooperation has reached 200 bilateral documents, while 97, that is, 50% of them, have been adopted only in the last four years. The total amount of investment agreements and trade contracts concluded during the visit exceeded $1 billion.

The importance of the created Uzbekistan – Tajikistan Investment Company with an authorized capital of $50 million was emphasized. It will generate and promote industrial cooperation projects.

Participants of the conference discussed issues of further deepening interregional collaboration between Uzbekistan and Tajikistan, intensifying cooperation in transport and transport communications, integrated and mutually beneficial use of water and energy resources in Central Asia, in health and ensuring sanitary and epidemiological well-being of the population. Views were exchanged on interaction in responding to common challenges and threats to regional security.


ISRS hosts a conference on developing Uzbekistan – Tajikistan collaboration

On June 16 this year, the Institute for Strategic and Regional Studies under the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan, the Center for Strategic Studies under the President of the Republic of Tajikistan organized an online conference on “Uzbekistan – Tajikistan: Prospects for Mutually Beneficial Cooperation”.

At the event, leading researchers, scientists and experts of the two countries considered the results of the official visit of President Shavkat Mirziyoyev to the Republic of Tajikistan on June 10-11, 2021.

First Deputy Director of the Institute for Strategic and Regional Studies under the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan Akramjon Nematov emphasized that since 2017, Uzbekistan – Tajikistan relations have been characterized by a high level of trust, mutual respect and the absence of any insurmountable contradictions.

The established regular confidential dialogue at the level of heads of state, their firm political will and joint efforts have brought relations between Tashkent and Dushanbe to a qualitatively new level, give a powerful impetus to their comprehensive development and expansion.

According to Mr. Akramjon Nematov, the Presidents of the two countries have held 9 bilateral meetings since 2017. In 2018, mutual state visits were organized for the first time. They have opened a new page in the history of bilateral relations.

The ISRS expert noted that the successfully developing Uzbekistan – Tajikistan relations contribute to the formation in Central Asia of a new political atmosphere of mutually beneficial cooperation, act as an important factor in ensuring security, stability and sustainable development of the region.

The high efficiency of the visit, according to the expert, is evidenced by a solid package of signed bilateral documents – 35 interstate, intergovernmental and interdepartmental agreements, memorandums, programs and roadmaps in politics, trade, energy, transport, culture, science, education and security.

The legal framework of Uzbekistan – Tajikistan cooperation has reached 200 bilateral documents, while 97, that is, 50% of them, have been adopted only in the last four years. The total amount of investment agreements and trade contracts concluded during the visit exceeded $1 billion.

The importance of the created Uzbekistan – Tajikistan Investment Company with an authorized capital of $50 million was emphasized. It will generate and promote industrial cooperation projects.

Participants of the conference discussed issues of further deepening interregional collaboration between Uzbekistan and Tajikistan, intensifying cooperation in transport and transport communications, integrated and mutually beneficial use of water and energy resources in Central Asia, in health and ensuring sanitary and epidemiological well-being of the population. Views were exchanged on interaction in responding to common challenges and threats to regional security.