On March 1, President Shavkat Mirziyoyev became familiar with the presentation of investment projects in Syrdarya region.

737 projects have been developed in the region this year. Their total value is 25 trillion 500 billion UZS, including $900 million of foreign investment. As a result of the implementation of projects, it is planned to create production capacities for 11 trillion UZS per year and almost 36 thousand jobs. New enterprises are expected to export $326 million worth of products and replace imports by $124 million. The textile industry, production of building materials, pharmaceutical and food industries are identified as the drivers while forming projects.

More than 200 thousand tons of cotton are grown in Syrdarya region. Indicators in this area are growing as a result of the policy of the Head of the state aimed at deepening processing, turning raw materials into products with added value. In particular, if in 2020 in the region the share of local raw materials in the production of knitted fabric was 70 percent, in the production of clothing – 75 percent, then this year it is planned to increase these indicators to 100 percent.

29 projects that are planned to be implemented in the textile industry play an important role in this area. As a result, production facilities worth about 818 billion UZS will be created, and the added value will increase by 2.5 times. More than 6,6 thousand people will be employed.

16 projects are planned in the construction materials industry. For example, the production of tiles in Yangiyer city, gas blocks in Saykhunabad district, drywall in Khavast district will be launched. All these enterprises are scheduled to be put into operation this year, providing jobs for about 2 thousand people.

In the food industry, it is planned to implement 51 projects involving the processing of fruit and vegetable products, cultivation and export of mash, and organization of a fish-breeding cluster. As a result, the supply of inexpensive and high-quality products to the market will be established, which will contribute to price stability. About 3,500 people will be employed.

Nine pharmaceutical projects were recognized as promising. The enterprises that will be organized in Gulistan and Syrdarya regions will produce infusion solutions, pills and medical supplies.

The President focused on the project of creating Gujarat Industrial Zone in Mirzaabad district. The complex, the agreement on the creation of which was reached between Uzbekistan and India at the highest level, houses important projects for the economy. It is planned to organize 8 projects for the production of equipment for drip irrigation and greenhouses, agricultural machinery units, mini-equipment, plastic products, knitwear and food products. It will be possible to export goods worth $25 million a year.

Currently, 40 hectares of land have been allocated for the industrial zone. It is planned to attract $100 million of foreign direct investment for its organization. The enterprises are scheduled to be put into operation in 2021-2023.

The Head of the state gave instructions on high-quality and timely implementation of projects, increasing the output of import-substituting products. He noted the need for developing logistics and enhance partnership with neighboring countries, taking advantage of the proximity of Syrdarya region to Tashkent and developing railway infrastructure.

The work to be done in the region to reduce poverty, increase employment of young people and women was also considered during the presentation.


Investment projects for Syrdarya region considered

On March 1, President Shavkat Mirziyoyev became familiar with the presentation of investment projects in Syrdarya region.

737 projects have been developed in the region this year. Their total value is 25 trillion 500 billion UZS, including $900 million of foreign investment. As a result of the implementation of projects, it is planned to create production capacities for 11 trillion UZS per year and almost 36 thousand jobs. New enterprises are expected to export $326 million worth of products and replace imports by $124 million. The textile industry, production of building materials, pharmaceutical and food industries are identified as the drivers while forming projects.

More than 200 thousand tons of cotton are grown in Syrdarya region. Indicators in this area are growing as a result of the policy of the Head of the state aimed at deepening processing, turning raw materials into products with added value. In particular, if in 2020 in the region the share of local raw materials in the production of knitted fabric was 70 percent, in the production of clothing – 75 percent, then this year it is planned to increase these indicators to 100 percent.

29 projects that are planned to be implemented in the textile industry play an important role in this area. As a result, production facilities worth about 818 billion UZS will be created, and the added value will increase by 2.5 times. More than 6,6 thousand people will be employed.

16 projects are planned in the construction materials industry. For example, the production of tiles in Yangiyer city, gas blocks in Saykhunabad district, drywall in Khavast district will be launched. All these enterprises are scheduled to be put into operation this year, providing jobs for about 2 thousand people.

In the food industry, it is planned to implement 51 projects involving the processing of fruit and vegetable products, cultivation and export of mash, and organization of a fish-breeding cluster. As a result, the supply of inexpensive and high-quality products to the market will be established, which will contribute to price stability. About 3,500 people will be employed.

Nine pharmaceutical projects were recognized as promising. The enterprises that will be organized in Gulistan and Syrdarya regions will produce infusion solutions, pills and medical supplies.

The President focused on the project of creating Gujarat Industrial Zone in Mirzaabad district. The complex, the agreement on the creation of which was reached between Uzbekistan and India at the highest level, houses important projects for the economy. It is planned to organize 8 projects for the production of equipment for drip irrigation and greenhouses, agricultural machinery units, mini-equipment, plastic products, knitwear and food products. It will be possible to export goods worth $25 million a year.

Currently, 40 hectares of land have been allocated for the industrial zone. It is planned to attract $100 million of foreign direct investment for its organization. The enterprises are scheduled to be put into operation in 2021-2023.

The Head of the state gave instructions on high-quality and timely implementation of projects, increasing the output of import-substituting products. He noted the need for developing logistics and enhance partnership with neighboring countries, taking advantage of the proximity of Syrdarya region to Tashkent and developing railway infrastructure.

The work to be done in the region to reduce poverty, increase employment of young people and women was also considered during the presentation.