In Navoiy town, two 3-storey apartment houses put into use
In the run-up to the New Year holiday, two 3-storey apartment houses in the Bunyodkor neighbourhood of the town of Navoiy were put into use. These apartment houses consist of 36 apartments and are for military servicemen.
In the run-up to the New Year holiday, two 3-storey apartment houses in the Bunyodkor neighbourhood of the town of Navoiy were put into use. These apartment houses consist of 36 apartments and are for military servicemen.An event was held on this occasion. At this event, the commander of the central military district, Colonel A.Saidov; and others said that the construction of beautiful buildings on the basis of modern solutions and unique standards of architecture in this country was an important factor in further raising the living standards of its population and most importantly, in providing housing for young families and those in need of accommodation.
These multi-storey buildings were constructed in accordance with a Presidential resolution dated 30 March 2017 on a programme for the construction of accommodation for military servicemen of the Defence Ministry of Uzbekistan.
These apartment houses were built in a short space of time with funds amounting to 2 bn 400 m soms.
A three-room apartment was provided for the family of Obidjon Umarov serving in a military unit in the town of Navoiy.
“We will be celebrating the New Year holiday in our new home. In this modern home, all the necessary conditions were created for our family to live happily,” says Obidjon Umarov.
The hokim (governor) of Navoiy Region, Q.Tursunov, made a speech at the event.