Egypt was one of the first Arab states to recognize the independence of Uzbekistan on December 26, 1991.

Diplomatic relations with this state were established on January 23, 1992. In May 1993, the Egyptian Embassy was opened in Tashkent. The Embassy of Uzbekistan in Egypt began its work in December 1994.

Egypt is a key partner of Uzbekistan in Africa and the Middle East. This factor ensures mutually beneficial trade and economic cooperation between the two countries.

During the historic visit of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan Shavkat Mirziyoyev to Egypt on February 20-21, 2023, about 10 documents were signed between the ministries and agencies of the two countries. In recent years, interdepartmental and interparliamentary cooperation has significantly intensified. Particular attention is paid to cultural and humanitarian ties. In recent years, more than 30 joint events have been held in culture, education, art, religious and educational activities, and tourism, and the sphere of cultural and scientific exchange is expanding. 

Cooperation in the economic sphere has entered the active development stage, and since 2017, mutual trade and investment cooperation has been intensifying. Trade turnover has tripled over the past five years, from $10 million to $30.5 million. Export volumes have increased 16 times. Textile products, transport equipment, and services, including air transport services, occupy the leading share of Uzbekistan’s exports to Egypt. In the structure of imports last year, food, chemical products, transport equipment, and services were in the lead. Trade turnover between the two countries is $30.5 million (exports – $23.1, imports – $7.4 million).

There are 29 joint ventures in Uzbekistan that involve the participation of Egyptian businesspeople. Negotiations are underway to launch new projects in the pharmaceutical sector in Tashkent and Kashkadarya region and in the fish farming industry in Namangan region.

The religious and educational spheres have a special place in the cooperation between Uzbekistan and Egypt. Our countries are committed to promoting the principles of tolerance, the sacred values ​​of the Islamic religion, preserving the essence of humanity, studying the existing heritage, and combating various threats and dangers.

Tourism plays a special role in the development of cooperation. Egypt’s enormous tourism potential creates excellent opportunities for Uzbekistan. The share of our tourists visiting the “The Land of the Pyramids” has increased by 40 percent compared to last year. Over three million of our compatriots working in Egypt bring almost $30 billion in foreign currency to the country.

Uzbekistan and Egypt are considered ancient centers of human civilization. This is evidenced by the architectural monuments preserved in our countries. This potential creates a solid foundation for turning the tourism sector into a strategic direction for the economy.

Muharrama Pirmatova, UzA

Day of Establishing Diplomatic Relations with Egypt

Egypt was one of the first Arab states to recognize the independence of Uzbekistan on December 26, 1991.

Diplomatic relations with this state were established on January 23, 1992. In May 1993, the Egyptian Embassy was opened in Tashkent. The Embassy of Uzbekistan in Egypt began its work in December 1994.

Egypt is a key partner of Uzbekistan in Africa and the Middle East. This factor ensures mutually beneficial trade and economic cooperation between the two countries.

During the historic visit of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan Shavkat Mirziyoyev to Egypt on February 20-21, 2023, about 10 documents were signed between the ministries and agencies of the two countries. In recent years, interdepartmental and interparliamentary cooperation has significantly intensified. Particular attention is paid to cultural and humanitarian ties. In recent years, more than 30 joint events have been held in culture, education, art, religious and educational activities, and tourism, and the sphere of cultural and scientific exchange is expanding. 

Cooperation in the economic sphere has entered the active development stage, and since 2017, mutual trade and investment cooperation has been intensifying. Trade turnover has tripled over the past five years, from $10 million to $30.5 million. Export volumes have increased 16 times. Textile products, transport equipment, and services, including air transport services, occupy the leading share of Uzbekistan’s exports to Egypt. In the structure of imports last year, food, chemical products, transport equipment, and services were in the lead. Trade turnover between the two countries is $30.5 million (exports – $23.1, imports – $7.4 million).

There are 29 joint ventures in Uzbekistan that involve the participation of Egyptian businesspeople. Negotiations are underway to launch new projects in the pharmaceutical sector in Tashkent and Kashkadarya region and in the fish farming industry in Namangan region.

The religious and educational spheres have a special place in the cooperation between Uzbekistan and Egypt. Our countries are committed to promoting the principles of tolerance, the sacred values ​​of the Islamic religion, preserving the essence of humanity, studying the existing heritage, and combating various threats and dangers.

Tourism plays a special role in the development of cooperation. Egypt’s enormous tourism potential creates excellent opportunities for Uzbekistan. The share of our tourists visiting the “The Land of the Pyramids” has increased by 40 percent compared to last year. Over three million of our compatriots working in Egypt bring almost $30 billion in foreign currency to the country.

Uzbekistan and Egypt are considered ancient centers of human civilization. This is evidenced by the architectural monuments preserved in our countries. This potential creates a solid foundation for turning the tourism sector into a strategic direction for the economy.

Muharrama Pirmatova, UzA