A project has been developed for the construction of a one-kilometer-long recreation area “Sohil Boʻyi” on the territory of Saidkent mahalla in Gijduvan district of Bukhara region.
The project envisages the creation of the necessary conditions for the meaningful spending of free time by the population, the construction of public catering outlets, and the organization of seasonal walks on catamarans and pleasure boats.
As part of this project, large-scale construction work has already begun. Since this location serves as the entry point to Bukhara region from the neighboring Navoi region, it is planned to transform it into a hallmark of the area.
Twelve billion UZS have been allocated to implement this project, which will provide trade and household services to the local population, guests, and foreign tourists and will also play an essential role in the formation of the microclimate in the territory. It is planned to establish the activities of about ten business entities and create almost 100 new jobs. A good opportunity for business owners is that plots of land in the “Sohil Boʻyi” recreation area are available for long-term lease through the “E-auksion” platform.
The project will include the construction of pedestrian paths and green areas, night lighting, and a protective barrier along the coastline.
The project, which is planned to be fully launched in the second half of this year, will bring about 500 million UZS in revenue to the local budget. Visitors will be offered a wide range of services and entertainment.
Zarif Komilov, UzA