Speaking with a welcoming speech at an event dedicated to strengthening relations between Uzbekistan and Türkiye, First Deputy Director of the Institute for Strategic and Regional Studies under the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan (ISRS) Akramjon Nematov emphasized the importance of this meeting. As he noted, this is another indicator of the high dynamics of the development of bilateral relations, which in recent years have risen to the level of a comprehensive strategic partnership.

According to the ISRS representative, the interaction of the two countries today is multifaceted, covers all spheres without exception, and is based on mutual trust, respect, and consideration of each other's interests.

“We closely coordinate our actions, provide mutual support, and join forces to achieve common goals”, the expert says.

As the speaker explained, at the heart of all this is the awareness of the joint strategic interests of both countries. Using the potential of cooperation with Türkiye can contribute to the modernization of the national economy and the maintenance of high rates of development in Uzbekistan.

“We are also interested in developing industrial cooperation and creating trans-regional connectivity between Türkiye and Central Asia. This will make it possible to unlock the region's raw materials, production, and human potential and integrate it into global value chains. In turn, the Central Asian states can become a springboard for Türkiye to enter the markets of third countries”, the expert believes.

In this context, the importance of cooperation in the transport and communication sphere, which can bring additional economic dividends, was noted. The demand for this, according to Nematov, is connected with the ongoing changes in the global economy. Thus, the observed supply chain disruptions pose risks to the sustainable development of the two states. He also added that in the current situation, the most important issues are the search for new markets and the creation of new transit and transport routes.

All of the above factors indicate the need to form connectivity plans. Such a perspective can turn Türkiye and Uzbekistan into important links in global production, logistics chains, and trans-regional connectivity.

“Thus, Uzbekistan can be an important land corridor providing Türkiye 's access to the EAEU, China, and South Asia markets. At the same time, Türkiye can become a gateway for us to European markets. Realizing this, we have already started implementing projects within the framework of major transport corridors along the East-West, North-South lines”, Akramjon Nematov concluded.

G.Khonnazarov, photo by D.Ernazarov, UzA

Akramjon Nematov: The development of industrial cooperation is an essential direction of deepening Uzbekistan – Türkiye cooperation

Speaking with a welcoming speech at an event dedicated to strengthening relations between Uzbekistan and Türkiye, First Deputy Director of the Institute for Strategic and Regional Studies under the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan (ISRS) Akramjon Nematov emphasized the importance of this meeting. As he noted, this is another indicator of the high dynamics of the development of bilateral relations, which in recent years have risen to the level of a comprehensive strategic partnership.

According to the ISRS representative, the interaction of the two countries today is multifaceted, covers all spheres without exception, and is based on mutual trust, respect, and consideration of each other's interests.

“We closely coordinate our actions, provide mutual support, and join forces to achieve common goals”, the expert says.

As the speaker explained, at the heart of all this is the awareness of the joint strategic interests of both countries. Using the potential of cooperation with Türkiye can contribute to the modernization of the national economy and the maintenance of high rates of development in Uzbekistan.

“We are also interested in developing industrial cooperation and creating trans-regional connectivity between Türkiye and Central Asia. This will make it possible to unlock the region's raw materials, production, and human potential and integrate it into global value chains. In turn, the Central Asian states can become a springboard for Türkiye to enter the markets of third countries”, the expert believes.

In this context, the importance of cooperation in the transport and communication sphere, which can bring additional economic dividends, was noted. The demand for this, according to Nematov, is connected with the ongoing changes in the global economy. Thus, the observed supply chain disruptions pose risks to the sustainable development of the two states. He also added that in the current situation, the most important issues are the search for new markets and the creation of new transit and transport routes.

All of the above factors indicate the need to form connectivity plans. Such a perspective can turn Türkiye and Uzbekistan into important links in global production, logistics chains, and trans-regional connectivity.

“Thus, Uzbekistan can be an important land corridor providing Türkiye 's access to the EAEU, China, and South Asia markets. At the same time, Türkiye can become a gateway for us to European markets. Realizing this, we have already started implementing projects within the framework of major transport corridors along the East-West, North-South lines”, Akramjon Nematov concluded.

G.Khonnazarov, photo by D.Ernazarov, UzA