Address: Activities of the Ministry of Agriculture to be modernized
In his Address, President of Uzbekistan noted that agriculture, which is an important area of economic development, employment and income growth, should be developed based on a strategic approach.
In his Address, President of Uzbekistan noted that agriculture, which is an important area of economic development, employment and income growth, should be developed based on a strategic approach.
The current growth rates in the sector do not satisfy us at all, so until we widely implement market mechanisms in agriculture and increase the interest of farmers and dehkans themselves, expected breakthrough will not happen.
In this regard, we will gradually switch to a system of purchasing cotton and grain based on market principles, eliminating the practice of state orders for procurement of these products. If we do not follow this path, then our farmers and dehkans will not be able to grow products freely, and principles of khokims’ works will remain the same.
The State Support Fund for Agriculture will also provide affordable loans to other agricultural sectors. In the future, the Ministry of Agriculture should completely abandon such outdated methods of work as coordinating the activities of enterprises, allocating resources, and setting planned tasks. On the contrary, it should turn into a service organization, providing services to private agro-industrial enterprises to assess the state of land, optimal choice of crop varieties and seeds.