On June 26-30, Uzbekistan hosts a Global Youth Festival.

Over 700 young people from 92 countries of the world are taking part in this festival. Within the framework of the event, which is simultaneously taking place in Tashkent, Samarkand, Bukhara, Jizzakh and Khorezm regions, young people are presenting their ideas and initiatives on 15 projects and exchanging experiences.

The festival’s opening ceremony took place on June 26 in Samarkand at the Eternal City Complex of the Silk Road Samarkand International Tourist Center. The Director of the Youth Affairs Agency of the Republic of Uzbekistan, Alisher Sadullayev, delivered a speech and welcomed all festival participants to Uzbekistan. He spoke about the youth policy implemented in the country and activities carried out to protect the rights and interests of the younger generation.

On the first day of the festival, Mr. Sadullayev met with the responsible persons for youth affairs of several countries in Samarkand.

Issues of protecting the rights and interests of young people and implementing joint projects were discussed during the negotiations.

At the festival’s plenary session, detailed information was provided about the opportunities created for Uzbekistan youth, legislation in the sphere, and various social projects.

Ministers of youth affairs and heads of youth organizations in several countries attended the event, and they expressed gratitude to the President of Uzbekistan for organizing the festival at a high level.

On the first day, meetings and roundtable discussions on “Discover ideas worthy of promotion!” and an exhibition of national dishes were held.

The foreign youth visited the Eternal City Complex. They observed the creation of handicrafts and the preparation of national dishes. The festival will include workshops and meetings on education, innovation, information technology, business, media, culture, art, and sports.

The festival continues.


G.Khasanov, photos by A.Isrolilov, UzA

A Global Youth Festival kicks off at the Eternal City Complex

On June 26-30, Uzbekistan hosts a Global Youth Festival.

Over 700 young people from 92 countries of the world are taking part in this festival. Within the framework of the event, which is simultaneously taking place in Tashkent, Samarkand, Bukhara, Jizzakh and Khorezm regions, young people are presenting their ideas and initiatives on 15 projects and exchanging experiences.

The festival’s opening ceremony took place on June 26 in Samarkand at the Eternal City Complex of the Silk Road Samarkand International Tourist Center. The Director of the Youth Affairs Agency of the Republic of Uzbekistan, Alisher Sadullayev, delivered a speech and welcomed all festival participants to Uzbekistan. He spoke about the youth policy implemented in the country and activities carried out to protect the rights and interests of the younger generation.

On the first day of the festival, Mr. Sadullayev met with the responsible persons for youth affairs of several countries in Samarkand.

Issues of protecting the rights and interests of young people and implementing joint projects were discussed during the negotiations.

At the festival’s plenary session, detailed information was provided about the opportunities created for Uzbekistan youth, legislation in the sphere, and various social projects.

Ministers of youth affairs and heads of youth organizations in several countries attended the event, and they expressed gratitude to the President of Uzbekistan for organizing the festival at a high level.

On the first day, meetings and roundtable discussions on “Discover ideas worthy of promotion!” and an exhibition of national dishes were held.

The foreign youth visited the Eternal City Complex. They observed the creation of handicrafts and the preparation of national dishes. The festival will include workshops and meetings on education, innovation, information technology, business, media, culture, art, and sports.

The festival continues.


G.Khasanov, photos by A.Isrolilov, UzA