Preparations for the International Conference have begun

On March 3-5 this year, Samarkand will host international conference on “Imam Abu Mansur Maturidi and the teachings of Maturidi: the past and the present”.
On March 3-5 this year, Samarkand will host international conference on “Imam Abu Mansur Maturidi and the teachings of Maturidi: the past and the present”.
This year marks the 1150th Anniversary of our great compatriot, famous scholar, Abu Mansur Maturidi’s birth, who has made a huge contribution to the development of Islamic teachings.
Historical sources note the great contribution of Abu Mansur Maturidi to the development of the teachings of the Quran in Central Asia. During the period of the scientist’s life and work, that is, at the end of the 9th and the first half of the 10th century, the number of different groups and movements in Islam increased. As a result, religious conflicts arose. In such circumstances, Imam Maturidi carried out incomparable work to reveal the true essence of the religion, preserving impeccable Islamic beliefs. Based on the teachings of the founder of the Hanafi Movement, Abu Hanafa, he created a kind of school of the Quran. The ideas forwarded by this school were in harmony with the views and aspirations of Muslims, who considered the essence of Islam to be truthfulness, kindness and humanity.
As a practical reflection of this work, an international conference is being organized jointly with the Committee on Religious Affairs under the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan, the Imam Bukhari International Research Center, the Center for Islamic Civilization, the Muslims Board of Uzbekistan, the International Islamic Academy of Uzbekistan and the Egyptian Al-Azhar complex.
Samarkand regional khokimiyat has approved a plan of necessary measures for the preparation and conduction of this prestigious conference at a high level.
According to the plan, activities will be carried out to repair the mausoleum of Imam Abu Mansur Maturidi and its environs. Preparations are underway in the Complex of Forums in Samarkand, where the main meeting of the conference will take place, the Imam Bukhari International Research Center, where sectional meetings will be organized, as well as the Hadith Scientific School.