Ambassador of Uzbekistan Kadambay Sultanov has met with the Minister for Welfare of Latvia Ramona Petraviča, in Riga.

On February 10, 2020, the Ambassador of Uzbekistan Kadambay Sultanov met with the Minister for Welfare of Latvia Ramona Petraviča, in Riga.

According to Uzbekistan MFA, issues of establishing interaction and exchange of experience in social protection of the population through relevant agencies of Uzbekistan and Latvia were discussed.

Based on the provisions of the Address of the President of Uzbekistan to the Oliy Majlis, the Ambassador informed about the progress in implementing social policy in the country, focusing on the latest achievements in ensuring labor rights and gender equality, investment in human capital, healthcare, improving the pension system, creating favorable conditions for people with disabilities and other aspects.

In turn, Ramona Petraviča congratulated Uzbekistan on the success achieved in implementing large-scale reforms and international recognition of these achievements. She stated the readiness of the agency headed by her for full cooperation with potential partners in Uzbekistan on issues within the competence of the Ministry of Welfare of Latvia. Interest in the exchange of practical experience gained by the Latvian side in pension reform, protection of labor rights, provision of social services has been confirmed.

The agenda and schedule of upcoming interagency contacts were also considered at the meeting.

Uzbekistan, Latvia share experience in social protection of the population

Ambassador of Uzbekistan Kadambay Sultanov has met with the Minister for Welfare of Latvia Ramona Petraviča, in Riga.

On February 10, 2020, the Ambassador of Uzbekistan Kadambay Sultanov met with the Minister for Welfare of Latvia Ramona Petraviča, in Riga.

According to Uzbekistan MFA, issues of establishing interaction and exchange of experience in social protection of the population through relevant agencies of Uzbekistan and Latvia were discussed.

Based on the provisions of the Address of the President of Uzbekistan to the Oliy Majlis, the Ambassador informed about the progress in implementing social policy in the country, focusing on the latest achievements in ensuring labor rights and gender equality, investment in human capital, healthcare, improving the pension system, creating favorable conditions for people with disabilities and other aspects.

In turn, Ramona Petraviča congratulated Uzbekistan on the success achieved in implementing large-scale reforms and international recognition of these achievements. She stated the readiness of the agency headed by her for full cooperation with potential partners in Uzbekistan on issues within the competence of the Ministry of Welfare of Latvia. Interest in the exchange of practical experience gained by the Latvian side in pension reform, protection of labor rights, provision of social services has been confirmed.

The agenda and schedule of upcoming interagency contacts were also considered at the meeting.