The relationship between Uzbekistan and France is developing dynamically and is characterized by two stages of development.

To the 29th Anniversary of Independence of the Republic of Uzbekistan

Dynamism of political and diplomatic relations

The relationship between Uzbekistan and France is developing dynamically and is characterized by two stages of development. At the first stage (1992-2016), the foundation of modern Uzbek-French relations was created. France recognized the independence of the Republic of Uzbekistan in January 1992 and two months later established diplomatic relations.

State and official visits of the First President of the Republic of Uzbekistan Islam Karimov to France were held in 1993 and 1996, and the state visit of the President of the French Republic François Mitterrand to Uzbekistan took place in 1994. Karimov met with the President of France Jacques Chirac in June 1996 within the framework of the summit of the EU heads of state in Florence and in November 2002 at the summit of NATO/EAPC member states in Prague. The visits to Uzbekistan by the Minister of Foreign Affairs of France L. Fabius in March 2013 and the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Uzbekistan Abdulaziz Kamilov to France in October 2012 and November 2014 provided further dynamics to bilateral relations.


The second stage in the Uzbek-French relations began in the second half of 2016. Active open and pragmatic approach of Uzbekistan and France's interest in deepening and expanding bilateral ties can be observed at this stage. The foreign policy activity of President Shavkat Mirziyoyev has created a new political atmosphere; it has been possible to achieve positive results in a number of areas of cooperation. Firstly, the political dialogue between Uzbekistan and France has been intensified. In March 2017, in Paris and in April of the same year in Tashkent, the Foreign Ministers of the two countries met. Following the talks, the heads of the foreign ministries signed the Program of Cooperation between the Foreign Ministries of Uzbekistan and France for 2017-2018.

In his speech, on the occasion of the 25th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between the Republic of Uzbekistan and the French Republic, ex-President of France François Hollande said: “Today I am pleased to note that the established relations from the first days have been strengthened in all areas of cooperation, as in political and in the economic and cultural fields." He also stressed that over the past years, France and Uzbekistan were able to establish friendly relations: "... the high level of established partnership between our countries, based on trust and respect, will constantly develop over the next decades".

In his message to ex-President François Hollande, the President of Uzbekistan noted: "We particularly value the fact that in January 1992 the French Republic was among the first to recognize the independence of Uzbekistan, and also firmly supported its independent development and sovereignty". Shavkat Mirziyoyev confirmed “Uzbekistan's commitment to further promoting productive and mutually beneficial cooperation with France on all issues of the bilateral and multilateral agenda, primarily in the political, diplomatic, cultural and humanitarian spheres, as well as specific programs and projects in the field of trade, investment and high technologies, tourism, implementation of advanced methods of corporate governance at our enterprises”. He also expressed confidence that "we will continue to work together to deepen Uzbek-French relations and strengthen solid foundation based on the principles of mutual respect, equality and trust."

France – the first state visit to Europe by President Shavkat Mirziyoyev

The President of the Republic of Uzbekistan Shavkat Mirziyoyev, at the invitation of the President of the French Republic Emmanuel Macron, paid an official visit to France on October 8-9, 2018. An official welcoming ceremony for the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan took place at the Place of Honor in Paris, which was the first in the last 22 years. During the talks between Shavkat Mirziyoyev and Emmanuel Macron, issues of further strengthening the Uzbek-French relations were discussed; views on issues of regional and international agenda of mutual interest were exchanged.

First. The President of Uzbekistan noted that Uzbekistan attaches great importance to the development of cooperation with France as a reliable and long-term partner emphasizing that France is the first European country that he visits on an official visit. He drew attention to the historical bonds of friendship, mutual respect and trust that have linked the two countries since the reign of our great ancestor Sahibkiran Amir Temur and King Charles VI of France. The Uzbek leader presented his French colleague the book “Revolution” by Emmanuel Macron, translated into Uzbek and published in Uzbekistan. The foreword to this book belongs to the pen of the Uzbek leader.


Second. French President E. Macron expressed satisfaction with the meeting with the head of our state and noted that the current domestic and foreign policy of Uzbekistan and large-scale reforms initiated by Shavkat Mirziyoyev contribute not only to improving the welfare of the population, the country's entry into the number of leading states, but also to ensuring peace and stable development in Central Asia.

Third. It was noted at the meeting that the approaches of the two states to solving international and regional problems are close or coincide. The role of Uzbekistan in strengthening stability and security, developing mutually beneficial cooperation and good-neighborly relations in Central Asia was especially emphasized. The leaders of the countries noted the importance of developing new forms of regional and international cooperation, joint counteraction to the challenges and threats of our time. The leaders of the countries noted the importance of developing new forms of regional and international cooperation, joint counteraction to the challenges and threats of our time. The heads of state reiterated the need to stabilize the situation in Afghanistan as an important condition for peace and tranquility in the region, stressing that there is no alternative to direct political dialogue without any preconditions between all parties involved in the conflict.

Fourth. The discussion focused on the status and prospects for expanding trade and economic, investment, energy, technology, cultural and humanitarian cooperation. The parties positively assessed the activities of the Uzbek-French intergovernmental commission on trade and economic cooperation and noted the importance of increasing the volume of mutual trade, the implementation of promising investment projects in various sectors of the economy, the volumes of which do not fully correspond to the existing opportunities and potential.

Fifth. During the visit, more than 10 intergovernmental and interdepartmental documents, as well as agreements and contracts worth over 3.4 billion Euros were signed. It was emphasized that following the results of the business forum organized in Paris by the relevant ministries and departments together with the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development and the French Entrepreneurs' Movement MEDEF International, agreements were reached on the implementation of promising projects based on advanced European experience, knowledge and technologies. 

Sixth. President Shavkat Mirziyoyev visited the Louvre Museum. The head of Uzbekistan stressed that the samples of historical heritage stored in the museum are very valuable and dear to our people. He also noted the need to organize joint exhibitions, exhibits of museums in Uzbekistan and France, expand scientific cooperation between historians and archaeologists of the two countries.

Seventh. During the visit, the President of Uzbekistan, Shavkat Mirziyoyev, met with the Chairman of the French Senate, Gérard Larcher. The head of state, welcoming the Chairman of the Senate, presented him the first copy of the French constitution in Uzbek and French, issued on the occasion of its sixtieth anniversary. Issues on the development of inter-parliamentary relations in specific areas were discussed as well. In particular, the parties noted the role and importance of the inter-parliamentary groups in the Senate and the Legislative Chamber of the Oliy Majlis of Uzbekistan for cooperation with the upper and lower houses of the French Parliament and the inter-parliamentary group in the Senate of the French Republic of the inter-parliamentary group «France – Central Asia», in the National Assembly – the friendship group «France – Central Asia». Gérard Larcher supported the idea of the Uzbek leader and expressed the readiness of the French side to develop inter-parliamentary ties and to give them a systematic character in order to develop a comprehensive and fruitful partnership and strengthen ties of friendship with Uzbekistan.


Eighth. President of Uzbekistan Shavkat Mirziyoyev met with the heads of major French companies such as Total, Total EREN, Orano, Fives Stein, Rungis SEMMARIS, Vinci, Suez, SADE, Idemia, Mercier, Thales Alenia Space and others. Issues of developing partnership between financial organizations, companies of Uzbekistan and France and expanding mutual supplies of goods were discussed.

“For a direct dialogue with foreign investors, it was decided to establish a Council of Foreign Investors under the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan. Its task is to develop proposals for the continuous improvement of the investment climate in Uzbekistan, taking into account the views of the investors themselves. We invite you to actively participate in the work of the council,” said Shavkat Mirziyoyev. In turn, the French businessmen stressed that the liberalization of the currency system and the abolition of the visa created favorable opportunities for the development of mutually beneficial cooperation.

Thus, the visit of the President of Uzbekistan Shavkat Mirziyoyev to France opened a new page and made it possible to determine new areas of cooperation for a strategic perspective. The outcome of the talks between the Heads of countries showed the readiness of Uzbekistan and France to further expand and strengthen the long-term mutually beneficial partnership, giving it new practical content.

Based on the results of the official visit, a Resolution of the President of Uzbekistan "On measures to further expand and strengthen bilateral cooperation between the Republic of Uzbekistan and the French Republic" was adopted, which approved a "road map" for the systemic, timely and high-quality implementation of the agreements reached during the visit.

Professor, Emmanuel Dupuy,
President, Institute of Prospects and Security in Europe

Professor, DSc Sayfiddin Jurayev,
Tashkent State University of Oriental Studies 

Ass. Prof., PhD Elyor Makhmudov,
Tashkent State University of Oriental Studies

Uzbek-French relations: A new dimension (Part 1)

The relationship between Uzbekistan and France is developing dynamically and is characterized by two stages of development.

To the 29th Anniversary of Independence of the Republic of Uzbekistan

Dynamism of political and diplomatic relations

The relationship between Uzbekistan and France is developing dynamically and is characterized by two stages of development. At the first stage (1992-2016), the foundation of modern Uzbek-French relations was created. France recognized the independence of the Republic of Uzbekistan in January 1992 and two months later established diplomatic relations.

State and official visits of the First President of the Republic of Uzbekistan Islam Karimov to France were held in 1993 and 1996, and the state visit of the President of the French Republic François Mitterrand to Uzbekistan took place in 1994. Karimov met with the President of France Jacques Chirac in June 1996 within the framework of the summit of the EU heads of state in Florence and in November 2002 at the summit of NATO/EAPC member states in Prague. The visits to Uzbekistan by the Minister of Foreign Affairs of France L. Fabius in March 2013 and the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Uzbekistan Abdulaziz Kamilov to France in October 2012 and November 2014 provided further dynamics to bilateral relations.


The second stage in the Uzbek-French relations began in the second half of 2016. Active open and pragmatic approach of Uzbekistan and France's interest in deepening and expanding bilateral ties can be observed at this stage. The foreign policy activity of President Shavkat Mirziyoyev has created a new political atmosphere; it has been possible to achieve positive results in a number of areas of cooperation. Firstly, the political dialogue between Uzbekistan and France has been intensified. In March 2017, in Paris and in April of the same year in Tashkent, the Foreign Ministers of the two countries met. Following the talks, the heads of the foreign ministries signed the Program of Cooperation between the Foreign Ministries of Uzbekistan and France for 2017-2018.

In his speech, on the occasion of the 25th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between the Republic of Uzbekistan and the French Republic, ex-President of France François Hollande said: “Today I am pleased to note that the established relations from the first days have been strengthened in all areas of cooperation, as in political and in the economic and cultural fields." He also stressed that over the past years, France and Uzbekistan were able to establish friendly relations: "... the high level of established partnership between our countries, based on trust and respect, will constantly develop over the next decades".

In his message to ex-President François Hollande, the President of Uzbekistan noted: "We particularly value the fact that in January 1992 the French Republic was among the first to recognize the independence of Uzbekistan, and also firmly supported its independent development and sovereignty". Shavkat Mirziyoyev confirmed “Uzbekistan's commitment to further promoting productive and mutually beneficial cooperation with France on all issues of the bilateral and multilateral agenda, primarily in the political, diplomatic, cultural and humanitarian spheres, as well as specific programs and projects in the field of trade, investment and high technologies, tourism, implementation of advanced methods of corporate governance at our enterprises”. He also expressed confidence that "we will continue to work together to deepen Uzbek-French relations and strengthen solid foundation based on the principles of mutual respect, equality and trust."

France – the first state visit to Europe by President Shavkat Mirziyoyev

The President of the Republic of Uzbekistan Shavkat Mirziyoyev, at the invitation of the President of the French Republic Emmanuel Macron, paid an official visit to France on October 8-9, 2018. An official welcoming ceremony for the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan took place at the Place of Honor in Paris, which was the first in the last 22 years. During the talks between Shavkat Mirziyoyev and Emmanuel Macron, issues of further strengthening the Uzbek-French relations were discussed; views on issues of regional and international agenda of mutual interest were exchanged.

First. The President of Uzbekistan noted that Uzbekistan attaches great importance to the development of cooperation with France as a reliable and long-term partner emphasizing that France is the first European country that he visits on an official visit. He drew attention to the historical bonds of friendship, mutual respect and trust that have linked the two countries since the reign of our great ancestor Sahibkiran Amir Temur and King Charles VI of France. The Uzbek leader presented his French colleague the book “Revolution” by Emmanuel Macron, translated into Uzbek and published in Uzbekistan. The foreword to this book belongs to the pen of the Uzbek leader.


Second. French President E. Macron expressed satisfaction with the meeting with the head of our state and noted that the current domestic and foreign policy of Uzbekistan and large-scale reforms initiated by Shavkat Mirziyoyev contribute not only to improving the welfare of the population, the country's entry into the number of leading states, but also to ensuring peace and stable development in Central Asia.

Third. It was noted at the meeting that the approaches of the two states to solving international and regional problems are close or coincide. The role of Uzbekistan in strengthening stability and security, developing mutually beneficial cooperation and good-neighborly relations in Central Asia was especially emphasized. The leaders of the countries noted the importance of developing new forms of regional and international cooperation, joint counteraction to the challenges and threats of our time. The leaders of the countries noted the importance of developing new forms of regional and international cooperation, joint counteraction to the challenges and threats of our time. The heads of state reiterated the need to stabilize the situation in Afghanistan as an important condition for peace and tranquility in the region, stressing that there is no alternative to direct political dialogue without any preconditions between all parties involved in the conflict.

Fourth. The discussion focused on the status and prospects for expanding trade and economic, investment, energy, technology, cultural and humanitarian cooperation. The parties positively assessed the activities of the Uzbek-French intergovernmental commission on trade and economic cooperation and noted the importance of increasing the volume of mutual trade, the implementation of promising investment projects in various sectors of the economy, the volumes of which do not fully correspond to the existing opportunities and potential.

Fifth. During the visit, more than 10 intergovernmental and interdepartmental documents, as well as agreements and contracts worth over 3.4 billion Euros were signed. It was emphasized that following the results of the business forum organized in Paris by the relevant ministries and departments together with the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development and the French Entrepreneurs' Movement MEDEF International, agreements were reached on the implementation of promising projects based on advanced European experience, knowledge and technologies. 

Sixth. President Shavkat Mirziyoyev visited the Louvre Museum. The head of Uzbekistan stressed that the samples of historical heritage stored in the museum are very valuable and dear to our people. He also noted the need to organize joint exhibitions, exhibits of museums in Uzbekistan and France, expand scientific cooperation between historians and archaeologists of the two countries.

Seventh. During the visit, the President of Uzbekistan, Shavkat Mirziyoyev, met with the Chairman of the French Senate, Gérard Larcher. The head of state, welcoming the Chairman of the Senate, presented him the first copy of the French constitution in Uzbek and French, issued on the occasion of its sixtieth anniversary. Issues on the development of inter-parliamentary relations in specific areas were discussed as well. In particular, the parties noted the role and importance of the inter-parliamentary groups in the Senate and the Legislative Chamber of the Oliy Majlis of Uzbekistan for cooperation with the upper and lower houses of the French Parliament and the inter-parliamentary group in the Senate of the French Republic of the inter-parliamentary group «France – Central Asia», in the National Assembly – the friendship group «France – Central Asia». Gérard Larcher supported the idea of the Uzbek leader and expressed the readiness of the French side to develop inter-parliamentary ties and to give them a systematic character in order to develop a comprehensive and fruitful partnership and strengthen ties of friendship with Uzbekistan.


Eighth. President of Uzbekistan Shavkat Mirziyoyev met with the heads of major French companies such as Total, Total EREN, Orano, Fives Stein, Rungis SEMMARIS, Vinci, Suez, SADE, Idemia, Mercier, Thales Alenia Space and others. Issues of developing partnership between financial organizations, companies of Uzbekistan and France and expanding mutual supplies of goods were discussed.

“For a direct dialogue with foreign investors, it was decided to establish a Council of Foreign Investors under the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan. Its task is to develop proposals for the continuous improvement of the investment climate in Uzbekistan, taking into account the views of the investors themselves. We invite you to actively participate in the work of the council,” said Shavkat Mirziyoyev. In turn, the French businessmen stressed that the liberalization of the currency system and the abolition of the visa created favorable opportunities for the development of mutually beneficial cooperation.

Thus, the visit of the President of Uzbekistan Shavkat Mirziyoyev to France opened a new page and made it possible to determine new areas of cooperation for a strategic perspective. The outcome of the talks between the Heads of countries showed the readiness of Uzbekistan and France to further expand and strengthen the long-term mutually beneficial partnership, giving it new practical content.

Based on the results of the official visit, a Resolution of the President of Uzbekistan "On measures to further expand and strengthen bilateral cooperation between the Republic of Uzbekistan and the French Republic" was adopted, which approved a "road map" for the systemic, timely and high-quality implementation of the agreements reached during the visit.

Professor, Emmanuel Dupuy,
President, Institute of Prospects and Security in Europe

Professor, DSc Sayfiddin Jurayev,
Tashkent State University of Oriental Studies 

Ass. Prof., PhD Elyor Makhmudov,
Tashkent State University of Oriental Studies