Struggle for the underground “Everest” continues: Speleological expedition in Surkhandarya region ended with a sensational result

The speleological expedition of the Speleological Association of the Urals with the support of the Russian Geographical Society on Chul-Bair massif in Surkhandarya region of Uzbekistan ended with a sensational result.
The speleological expedition of the Speleological Association of the Urals with the support of the Russian Geographical Society on Chul-Bair massif in Surkhandarya region of Uzbekistan ended with a sensational result.
During a 20-day expedition led by V. Loginov in a cave named after A. Vishnevsky (CHB-15), a depth of minus 1284 m was reached. Moreover, the length of the cave was more than 15 km. The cave continues with a flooded gallery and goes into a well about 20 m deep.

Topographic surveys showed that the cave approached almost right next to the deepest cave in Uzbekistan and Asia, Boy-Bulok, reaching an amplitude of 1415 m. The combination of these two caves will give a phenomenal depth of more than 2 km, which will lead the cave to the 3rd place in the world, after the caves named after A.Verevkin (2212 m) and Krubera (2197 m), which are located in Abkhazia.
Theoretically, the potential of the massif allows to set a world record in depth by finding new caves located above and combining them into one grandiose system. Exploration of the caves will continue in 2020.