Population of Uzbekistan has increased by 477.5 thousand people in 9 months
The resident population of Uzbekistan as of October 1, 2020 amounted to 34 382.7 thousand people.
The resident population of Uzbekistan as of October 1, 2020 amounted to 34 382.7 thousand people and, since this year, it has increased by 477.5 thousand people, or 1.4%, the State Statistics Committee reports.
The urban population reached 17 401.9 thousand people (50.6% of the total population), rural – 16 980.8 thousand people (49.4%).
The largest share of arrivals from abroad in Uzbekistan (in% of their total number) falls on arrivals from Kazakhstan (33.8%), Tajikistan (22.0%), Russia (21.9%) and Kyrgyzstan (8.3%), the smallest – from Turkmenistan (1.8%) and other countries (12.2%).
The largest share of those who left Uzbekistan abroad (in % of their total number) falls on those who left for Kazakhstan (61.9%), Russia (30.5%) and Israel (1.5%), the smallest – in Kyrgyzstan (1.2%), Tajikistan (0.6%) and other countries (4.3%).