President Islam Karimov Attends the First Meeting of the Lower House
On January 12, the Legislative Chamber of Uzbekistan’s Oliy Majlis held its first meeting in Tashkent. In line with the law, it was opened by the Chairman of the Central Election Commission Mirza-Ulugbek Abdusalomov.
On January 12, the Legislative Chamber of Uzbekistan’s Oliy Majlis held its first meeting in Tashkent. In line with the law, it was opened by the Chairman of the Central Election Commission Mirza-Ulugbek Abdusalomov.President of the Republic of Uzbekistan Islam Karimov attended the session and addressed the newly elected members of the lower house of the parliament.
The head of our state said that the achievements and heights reached by Uzbekistan, first of all thanks to the tireless and selfless labor and efforts of our people, are currently acknowledged both by our friends and opponents, while the outcomes of the reforms we have embarked on have been receiving a well-deserved appraisal of the world community.

As Islam Karimov pointed out, by making that very choice, a proper choice, we have passed a tremendous path equal, if you like, to centuries in what concerns the consolidation of independence, comprehensive advancement of our Motherland, attainment of a worthwhile place in the ranks of developed democratic nations, creation of first-rate living conditions for our people and the posterity, as well as the further elevation of Uzbekistan’s standing in the international arena.
It stands to be stressed that by today we have overcome only a small section of the long and thorny course of building a democratic country ruled by law and a free civil society. Its major part is well ahead. In other words, this path has not reduced the challenges awaiting their solution, but, on the contrary, their scales and scopes have been expanding in accordance with the requirements of the times.

I believe there is no necessity of talking much about how enormous a menace the alarming events and phenomena taking place today in various countries throughout the world are posing for the peace and stability, in particular the challenges and threats intensifying around us, in our region, the political and economic confrontation, terrorism, radicalism and drug trafficking, the head of our state stressed.
In this ever worsening situation we should be even more vigilant and attentive, and realize deeply who wishes good to us and who nurtures evil intentions, how grave requirements and challenges we face today.
It is impossible not to see today, President Karimov stated, not to understand and not to acknowledge that the cardinal transformation in the mindset and consciousness of our fellow country men and women, in their world outlook and attitude to life, the rising political and law culture, the active civic stance all constitute a robust foundation of all the successes and heights we have reached and those to be done so in the future.

Also, members of government, heads of central bodies, representatives of mass media attended the session.
The chairman of the Central Election Commission spoke about the outcomes of the elections to the Legislative Chamber.
As it was pointed out in particular, the recent parliamentary elections in Uzbekistan were held in qualitatively new socio-political and economic circumstances, on the basis of democratic principles of openness, publicity and transparency, in full compliance with requirements of legislation, with universally recognized international norms and standards.
During the electoral round, equal conditions were created for political parties to campaign and reach out to wider strata of the population with their electoral platforms through the mass media. The most extensive opportunities and conditions were created in accordance with the law for the country’s citizens to express their will freely. Hundreds of international and local observers monitored the preparations for and conduct of elections.

The first meeting of the Legislative Chamber was preceded by constitutional conventions of deputies elected to the Legislative Chamber from political parties and the Environmental Movement of Uzbekistan. The conventions produced parliamentary groups of the Movement of Entrepreneurs and Businesspeople – the Liberal Democratic Party of Uzbekistan, the Milliy Tiklanish Democratic Party of Uzbekistan, the People’s Democratic Party of Uzbekistan, and the Adolat Social-Democratic Party of Uzbekistan, along with a parliamentary group from the Environmental Movement of Uzbekistan. Conventions also elected the leaders of those parliamentary groups.
At the first session of the lower house of the parliament, members of the Legislative Chamber adopted decisions on the registration of groups of political parties and that of the Environmental Movement.
In line with the Law on Regulations of the Legislative Chamber of the Oliy Majlis of the Republic of Uzbekistan, and at the proposal of political party groups as well as that of the Environmental Movement, members of the lower house set up a council of doyens for the nomination to the post of the Speaker of the Legislative Chamber and his/her deputies.
Then, as the Council of Doyens proposed, the lawmakers elected Nuriddinjon Ismailov as Speaker of the Legislative Chamber of the Oliy Majlis of the Republic of Uzbekistan.
Afterwards, members of the lower house cast their ballot on each nominee to the post of deputy speakers of the Legislative Chamber. They elected Sokijon Turdiev, the leader of the parliamentary group from the Movement of Entrepreneurs and Businesspeople – the Liberal Democratic Party of Uzbekistan, Sarvar Otamuratov, head of the group from the Milliy Tiklanish Democratic Party of Uzbekistan, Hatamjon Ketmonov, leader of the group from the People’s Democratic Party of Uzbekistan, Narimon Umarov, head of the group from the Adolat Social-Democratic Party of Uzbekistan, and Boriy Alikhanov, leader of the parliamentary group from the Environmental Movement of Uzbekistan.
Under the Law on Regulations of the Legislative Chamber of the Oliy Majlis of the Republic of Uzbekistan, posts of chairpersons of committees are determined with an eye to the party and group affiliation of lawmakers and the number of votes received during the elections. Proposals on nominations for the posts of chairpersons are introduced by heads of parliamentary associations on the basis of mutual consultations. In this regard, members of the Legislative Chamber adopted a package decision on the approval of a list of committees of the lower house and the distribution of the posts of committee chairpersons among the parliamentary groups of political parties and the Environmental Movement.
Legislators also elected chairpersons of committees of the lower house of the parliament.
On all the issues considered, the Legislative Chamber of the Oliy Majlis passed corresponding resolutions.