“Uzbekistan industrial exhibitions – 2018” is being held at Uzexpocentre National Exhibition Complex.

“Uzbekistan industrial exhibitions – 2018” is being held at Uzexpocentre National Exhibition Complex.

Companies and enterprises from nearly 100 countries, such as China, South Korea, Russia, Turkey, Germany, Slovakia, Ukraine, Belarus, India, Poland, the United Arab Emirates, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan and others, along with local manufacturers, are representing their products and services.

Uzbekistan industrial exhibitions

The number of exhibitors has increased by 40 percent compared to the previous year. Special interest to Uzbekistan is shown by industrialists from Russia, Kazakhstan, South Korea, China, India and Turkey.

Equipment for extraction and processing of natural resources, concentrating technologies, corresponding services are presented at “UzMiningExpo” international exhibition.

Uzbekistan industrial exhibitions

“UzTechTransExpo” exposition is of great interest to specialists of road construction sphere. The exhibition features special equipment, components for cars, transport and logistics services, and on the use of storage facilities.

“UzSecureExpo” exhibition, which demonstrates technical means for ensuring security at industrial facilities, alarm systems, equipment for ensuring comprehensive security, communications, audio and video surveillance, personal protection, fire extinguishers, equipment for prevention of emergencies and natural disasters, as well as liquidation of their consequences, is also noteworthy.

“UzMetalMashExpo” exhibition presents technologies in the sphere of metallurgy, metalworking, machine building.

“UzChemPlastExpo” and “InterPackExpo” expositions are especially distinguished at “Uzbekistan industrial exhibitions – 2018”. Participants with great interest are studying stands, dedicated to technologies for chemical industry, packaging and printing equipment.

Uzbekistan industrial exhibitions

Another international event – “Leather, shoes, clothing and accessories” exhibition is also being held at Uzexpocentre. Domestic enterprises and foreign companies are representing a wide range of modern design products.

Within the framework of the exhibitions, it is planned to hold scientific practical conferences, seminars and presentations.

“Uzbekistan industrial exhibitions – 2018”, organized by IEG Uzbekistan exhibition company with the assistance of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of the Republic of Uzbekistan, state committees on geology and mineral resources, roads, “Uzkimyosanoat” JSC, Tashkent city khokimiyat, will continue until March 30. These days the pavilions of Uzexpocentre will become a favorable platform for business negotiations and a convenient opportunity to conclude mutually beneficial agreements.

Uzbekistan industrial exhibitions: Demonstration of industrial achievements

“Uzbekistan industrial exhibitions – 2018” is being held at Uzexpocentre National Exhibition Complex.

“Uzbekistan industrial exhibitions – 2018” is being held at Uzexpocentre National Exhibition Complex.

Companies and enterprises from nearly 100 countries, such as China, South Korea, Russia, Turkey, Germany, Slovakia, Ukraine, Belarus, India, Poland, the United Arab Emirates, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan and others, along with local manufacturers, are representing their products and services.

Uzbekistan industrial exhibitions

The number of exhibitors has increased by 40 percent compared to the previous year. Special interest to Uzbekistan is shown by industrialists from Russia, Kazakhstan, South Korea, China, India and Turkey.

Equipment for extraction and processing of natural resources, concentrating technologies, corresponding services are presented at “UzMiningExpo” international exhibition.

Uzbekistan industrial exhibitions

“UzTechTransExpo” exposition is of great interest to specialists of road construction sphere. The exhibition features special equipment, components for cars, transport and logistics services, and on the use of storage facilities.

“UzSecureExpo” exhibition, which demonstrates technical means for ensuring security at industrial facilities, alarm systems, equipment for ensuring comprehensive security, communications, audio and video surveillance, personal protection, fire extinguishers, equipment for prevention of emergencies and natural disasters, as well as liquidation of their consequences, is also noteworthy.

“UzMetalMashExpo” exhibition presents technologies in the sphere of metallurgy, metalworking, machine building.

“UzChemPlastExpo” and “InterPackExpo” expositions are especially distinguished at “Uzbekistan industrial exhibitions – 2018”. Participants with great interest are studying stands, dedicated to technologies for chemical industry, packaging and printing equipment.

Uzbekistan industrial exhibitions

Another international event – “Leather, shoes, clothing and accessories” exhibition is also being held at Uzexpocentre. Domestic enterprises and foreign companies are representing a wide range of modern design products.

Within the framework of the exhibitions, it is planned to hold scientific practical conferences, seminars and presentations.

“Uzbekistan industrial exhibitions – 2018”, organized by IEG Uzbekistan exhibition company with the assistance of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of the Republic of Uzbekistan, state committees on geology and mineral resources, roads, “Uzkimyosanoat” JSC, Tashkent city khokimiyat, will continue until March 30. These days the pavilions of Uzexpocentre will become a favorable platform for business negotiations and a convenient opportunity to conclude mutually beneficial agreements.